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You're viewing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Cheat Codes

Game Name : The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
System : DVD Video
Date Added : 2005-02-18 12:53:45
Views : 22883
Hidden Bonus Features (REGION 2 ONLY)

Move [Down] to the bottom of the menu, then move [Lef to bring up a key pad. Key in the time the earth was destroyed: 1146. This displays the complete destruction of the earth sequence and an ad for Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters.

From the [Outer Planets] screen, turn on the subtitles. Go [Up] to [Inner Planets] and press [Lef. This highlights the words "Dont Panic". Pressing [Enter] plays all the computer readouts for the "Heart of Gold" display screens.

On the [Inner Planets] (First Screen), highlight [Communicate] and press [Lef to highlight the hidden planet Earth Flick about left to right in the middle of the screen to select a hidden planet (Earth). This plays the complete credit sequence.

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